Stop Lychee Dog Meat Festival
In 2009 local Yulin dog-meat traders founded this festival to boost business, contrary to past tradition. Dogs (and cats) are hunted down, denied food and water, caged in cramped quarters while waiting their turn to be blow-torched, hung, boiled and skinned-all while alive. The worst part, is China sees no issue with this and enjoys this festival.
We need to convince President Trump to include this cause in his negotiations with China!
Mr. Trump please ratify the treaty with China to include ending the Yulin Dog Festival and any similar festivals in China.
Our Mission
We are asking you to email the Trump Administration to stop this festival. Together we can make a political movement toward stopping this barbaric “festival” this year and years to come. Currently, the U.S. and China are in trade negotiations. We are asking that the Trump Administration ratify the trade agreement with China to stop the barbaric Yulin dog meat festival.
Our goal is to obtain 2,000,000 emails so President Trump can see this as an important issue.
Our letter to President Trump
The Lychee and Dog Meat Festival is a horrendous, torturous event held in Yulin, China. It begins every year on June 21st during summer solstice and lasts for 10 awful days where 10,000–15,000 dogs (and cats) are brutally tortured and then eaten.
Read our letter to President Trump
Press Release
We introduced a bill (H.Con.Res.71) into Congress (backed by the House and Senate) which passed on November 5th, 2019. This is a bipartisan bill calling on all nations to end their dog and cat meat trade and enforce existing laws against the trade.
“The Lychee Dog Meat Festival is a horrendous, torturous event held in Yulin, China. It begins every year on June 21st during summer solstice and lasts for 10 awful days where 10,000–15,000 dogs (and cats) are brutally tortured and then eaten. We are hopeful that the President Trump will make this part of his negotiations with China. Passing this legislation will help to eliminate this egregious activity once and for all,” said John Lekas, organizer of the Lychee Project.
Help support our cause and write a message that will be forwarded to President Trump.
Corporate Sponsorship
Ph: 503-294-1010
Address: 315 W. Mill Plain Blvd. Suite 204
Vancouver, WA 98660
Our letter to President Trump
Featured Articles
Portland businessman works to stop the sale of dog meat
Portland Tribune June 20, 2019
Hastings, Buchanan, and Merkley Introduce Bipartisan Concurrent Resolutions Urging an End to the Worldwide Dog and Cat Meat Trade
U.S. Congressman Alcee L. Hastings November 05, 2019